Monday, February 23, 2009

Ready for Spring!

I am so ready for spring and I know my munchkins are too! I am ready to get outside, plant flowers, cookout, watch the kids ride bikes, more frequent trips to the park and zoo... You get the idea. I have never been a big fan of winter. The holidays are nice, but that is all winter has going for it. Spring is where it is at. Everything is new again, clean, and fresh. The kids love to be outside and play with the neighbors and I enjoy the casual conversations with adults.
Liam and Lily are ready to get in the backyard and play t-ball. They don't really have the concept of running the bases or catching the ball, but they love hitting the ball of the tee and running to collect the balls in their helmets. They are too cute! Lily has her pink bat and helmet and Liam has a blue bat and helmet. They certainly look the part.
The kids are getting so big! Everyday is more exciting and full of new adventures. I am sure Spring will bring many more new adventures. So go away Winter! We are really ready for the Spring Weather.

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