We took a 3 day trip to St. Louis. We had not been to St. Louis since 2004 and we definitely needed a trip to Busch Stadium.
Shaun used Priceline.com to book our room. He put in our criteria and boy did we luck out! We stayed on the top floor of the Hyatt. It was located 1 block from the arch and 4 blocks from the stadium. The best part was that it was only $70 a night!!
On our way in to St. Louis we stopped at the City Museum. It was awesome!!! It was an old building with architectural structures that you could climb through and looked like art. It had buses, planes, and cages suspended from the building that you could crawl through. There were slides and caverns and a ferris wheel. I highly recommend a stop at this museum when you visit St. Louis. I missed out on some of the fun, but I enjoyed taking pictures.
After the museum we checked into our hotel, had dinner, and went on a carriage ride around the stadium. This was the 1st time Shaun and I had been on a carriage ride. It was great to share this 1st with our kids!!
The next day we went to the Arch. The kids lost interest pretty quick. So off we went to the Magic House. It is St. Louis' Children's Museum. The kids and I had a lot of fun, however daddy wasn't feeling all the screaming kids. This was definitely a stop for daddy after a trip to a brewery. (i will remember that for next time!) Then we stopped at Union Station to take Liam to Hooter's for the 1st time. However, it was no longer there. So, we fed the fish and headed to the hotel to get ready for the ball game. Sandra got us the hook up on seats for the game. (See how close we are) Daddy was soooo excited and wanted to watch batting practice. We got to the stadium at 5:15 for a 7:15 game. The kids did great!! They made a Build a Bear in the Stadium and had a hotdog, cracker jacks, and cotton candy. We watched the Cardinals win!!! and Albert Pujols hit 2 homeruns!!
Our last day in St. Louis was spent at Six Flags. The kids rode everything that they were big enough for, I couldn't believe it!! I have always LOVED roller coasters, but I thought I was going to throw up!! I got so dizzy. We enjoyed the day riding roller coasters, playing at the water park, and watching the parade as the park closed. It was a long and fun and tiring day, but TOTALLY worth it!
So next time you start to lose focus on what is important, pack up the car, forget about the rest of the world, and enjoy some time with the one's you love!!
I bet that was a fun time at the game. I'm going to Chicago soon and my friends are going to drag me to a Cubs game..but rest assured, I refuse to be converted to a Cubs fan!
We were JUST talking about St. Louis tonight. Rick has apparently been several times. The only time I have ever been was forever ago (with The Taylor's actually!) and Haley is REALLY interested in the Arch! WE may plan a fall trip...
What a beautiful family picture at the game. That has to be one of my favorites of you guys!
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